DAB a creat o serie de servicii si instrumente pentru monitorizarea constanta a instalatiilor si pentru gestionarea rapida a oricarei necesitati. Serviciile digitale DConnect reprezinta solutiile cele mai eficiente, care prevad si evita surprize neplacute
- Monitorizarea si controlul de la distanta 24/7
- Interventie rapida in cazul unei defectiuni.
- Simplificarea muncii si optimizarea serviciului oferit
- Diminuarea costurilor de gestionare
- Optimizarea continua a sistemului
- Economie energetica
Totul sub control
Din orice loc,
in orice moment
Datorita D.Connect puteti controla si gestiona pompele de pe smartphone, tableta sau computer ca si cum ati fi la locul de instalare al pompelor. Nascut din experienta tehnologica a firmei DAB
Toate informatiile dintr-o privire
Cu portalul DConnect monitorizarea produselor DAB devine simpla si intuitiva. Este atat de simplu de utilizat, incat fiecare utilizator gaseste imediat informatiile care il intereseaza. Astfel este posibil sa se controleze una sau mai mule pompe, afisand detaliile
Inregistrarea anuala
- Pompele conectate, ca de altfel orice alt obiect conectat la retea (IoT), prezinta riscuri de atacuri informatice.
- DAB, de multi ani, se ocupa de dezvoltarea unei culturi de cybersecurity pentru a garanta solutii sigure si protejate pentru clientii nostri.
- Componentele hardware si software D.Connect au fost testate conform celor mai restrictive protocoale internationale de siguranta.
- Grija pentru clienti, in cadrul firmei DAB este confirmata prin actiuni de prevenire si alegeri asumate, cunoscand riscurile posibile legate de siguranta, pentru a ne proteja cele mai evoluate solutii tehnologice.
- Alegerile potrivite in timpul fazei de proiectare, mentinerea continua a unui nivel inalt de supraveghere si lansarea continua a actualizarilor, reprezinta modalitatea prin care DAB intentioneaza sa-si protejeze proprii clienti. .
DAB. Internet Of Pumps
Cu serviciile digitale DConnect se pot conecta produsele noastre inteligente la reteaua de Internet pentru a le controla de la distanta. Astfel pompele noastre intra in regimul I.o.T sau mai bine, I.o.P.
Diagrama de functionare
O singura interfata pentru toate aplicatiile
- Serviciul D.Connect poate fi utilizat pentru a gestiona una sau mai multe pompe in vederea cresterii presiunii apei, gestionarii apelor reziduale si a pompelor de circulatie din instalatiile de incalzire si climatizare.
- Este un serviciu cu multiple canale cu o mare valoare adaugata care, indendent de natura si de dimensiunile instalatiei, simplifica configuratia afisand mereu aceeasi interfata si aceleasi instrumente. Modularitaea Dconnect, permite gestionarea a pana la 8 pompe diferite
Descoperiti cate produse DAB puteti conecta simultan la D.Connect box
Adaugati la DConnect Box Adaugati la DConnect Box 2 Wireless integratCompletati comanda utilizand urmatorul/urmatoarele cod/coduri:
DAB PUMPS isi rezerva dreptul de a aduce modificari fara a avea obligatia de preaviz
DAB I.o.P. Internet al Pompelor!
D.Connect este alcatuit dintr-un sistem modern si avansat Cloud si dintr-o parte hardware, D.Connect Box, indispensabile pentru a conecta pompele ce trebuie controlate la reteaua de internet.
Cu acest serviciu pompele DAB inra in regim I.o.T, sau mai bine, I.o
DAB este mereu prezenta!
Serviciul nostru pentru clienti este mereu disponibil pentru a oferi suportul necesar configurarii produselor noastre, inclusiv acelea mai avangardiste cum ar fi inovatorul D.Connect!
Imediat gata de utilizare
DConnect nu necesita infrastructuri speciale pentru instalare : este suficienta o conexiune internet in apropierea instalatiei si un smartphone. Configurarea se efectueaza prin cativa pasi simpli ghidati.
Monitorizarea de la distanta, o mai buna sustenabilitate a instalatiilor, economia energetica si diminuarea costurilor la factura: fiecare persoana isi regaseste unul din avantajele cautate, gama fiind gandita fara a uita mediul.
Controlul continuu si reglarea cu punct constant a sistemului pentru monitorizarea in timp real, permit mentinerea eficientei acestuia, in timp.
Ulteriori informazioni sono presenti nel manuale di istruzioni di D.Connect Box.
Ulteriori informazioni sono presenti nel manuale di istruzioni di D.Connect Box.
Ulteriori informazioni sono presenti nel manuale di istruzioni di D.Connect Box.
Verificare che anche l’E.sylink abbia l’ultimo firmware disponibile.
Ulteriori informazioni sono presenti nel manuale di istruzioni di D.Connect Box.
- Floats and level probes cannot be used at the same time.
- Level probes can only be used with clear, clean water.
- The maximum level and minimum level alarms can be generated by floats or by level probes, or, if the depth sensor is used, by thresholds of the value read by the sensor itself.
It is possible, to use the alarm inputs so that the pumps stop in the case of reaching the maximum level, or too high motor temperature. In the case of an alarm, the pumps stop, the buzzer sounds, the corresponding alarm outputs are activated. For more information you can read the NgPanel instruction manual.
- Overloads and excess temperature with automatic reset
- Excess currents in pumps (overload protection)
- Abnormal voltages
- Lack of phase and thermal protection KK
- Dry operation
- Rapid restarts
- Inconsistency of floats and/or probes
- Blocking of the pumps
For dry run protection: the panel has an input for dry run protection, signaled by a float immersed in the pump tank that the panel controls. The device must be connected to the S contact of the NgPanel, and positioned in the tank at a level that ensures that the pump is not damaged as a result of dry running (consult the installation and operation instructions of the product used). For thermal protection of the motors: the device has an input for the thermal protection of each motor. If the motor used is equipped with thermal protection, this protection can be connected to the KK terminals. If the protection is not present in the motor, the terminals must be bridged. For further information, we recommend reading the NgPanel instruction manual.
For further information we recommend consulting the NgDrive instruction manual.
For further information we recommend consulting the NgDrive instruction manual.
- twin groups
- multi-pump groups
By twin group we mean a pumping group made up of a single pump body on which two motors are mounted.
By multi-pump group we mean a group made up of several identical pump, motor and variable frequency drive elements. Each element shares both the suction and the delivery. Each pump, before flowing into the delivery manifold, must have a non-return valve.
Twin Group Connections
In twin groups the pressure sensor must be connected to the left variable frequency drive (looking at the group from the motor fan side so that the fluid flow goes from bottom to top). For correct operation of the twin system it is necessary that all the external connections of the input terminal block are connected in parallel between the variable frequency drives respecting the numbering of the individual terminals.
If a banging noise is heard during the switch between turning off one motor and turning on the other, then proceed as follows: 1) access the Multipump Group menu page;
2) select the item “Configuration of multipump group parameters”; 3) follow the procedure up to the "Exchange time" item;
4) increase the “Exchange Time” value until the noise disappears;
For further information we recommend consulting the NgDrive instruction manual.
The variable frequency drive accepts the 0 – 5V ratiometric pressure sensor.
The cable must be connected on one side to the sensor and on the other to the specific pressure sensor input of the variable frequency drive.
The cable has two different terminations with mandatory insertion direction: connector for industrial applications (DIN 43650) on the sensor side and 4-pole connector on the variable frequency drive side.
For further information we recommend consulting the NgDrive instruction manual.
Il sensore di flusso viene fornito assieme al proprio cavo. Il cavo deve essere collegato da un lato al sensore e dall'altro all'apposito ingresso sensore di flusso dell'inverter.
Il cavo presenta due diverse terminazioni con verso di inserzione obbligato: connettore per applicazioni industriali (DIN 43650) lato sensore e connettore a 6 poli lato inverter.
The sensors can be connected to only one variable frequency drive.
Data communication between the variable frequency drives takes place via wireless, however it is recommended to fit the communication cable to strengthen the system in the event of a fault in order to be able to read the sensors even if connected to a faulty or switched off variable frequency drive. For correct operation of the multi variable frequency drive system it is necessary that all the external connections of the input terminal block are connected in parallel between the variable frequency drives respecting the numbering of the individual terminals. The only exception is the disable functionality which can be set on any of the 4 inputs and allows you to disable the variable frequency drive; in this case the command can also be distinguished for each variable frequency drive.
For further information we recommend consulting the NgDrive instruction manual.